For this project, I feel I have some strong pieces, however some need more work. Whilst I am confident in my idea, and in fact, would like to further pursue it, I am aware that my market research may not be enough. My short-form pitch focussed on key visuals and simple descriptions to convey the idea without summarizing the website information itself. Overall I would like to continue to grow my understanding of how to conduct efficient market research, as well as develop a richer 'imaginative' board of investors.
Personally, I used 3 new technologies I was unfamiliar with to create the most impactful project such as WIX, Animoto and Pexels.
Venture Idea
Based on a real prolem I have experienced, I was able to create a unique idea that has minimal direct competition.
Product Site
Games Anywhere product site, allows investors and peers to view what this product will be.
Elevator Pitch
I believe a modern, visuals and simple text, based pitch is most effective as it offers the bite of information to draw them further.
Areas For Growth
Direct knowldeg of the markets, creating a business and predicting growth.
Alternative ways of creating an elevator pitch.